Extended Blind Contour

For this project, we were asked to draw both ourselves and our tablemate without looking at the paper, or lifting the pen. This led to a pretty big blob of sharpie marks. At first, I thought it was incredibly difficult to find something to draw out of this mess, but I just started to sketch, and something just started to form. In this project, I drew an assortment of random 3 dimensional shapes, some weaving in and out of others in seemingly impossible ways. For materials, I used a variety of different sized inking pens. When making a piece, you use a variety of different elements and principles of art. For this piece, I used things such as contrast, balance, shape, and pattern. I drew interesting shapes all around the original piece, and then made sure they contrasted with each other, giving more life to the piece. There really isn't any order in all of the madness, but I think that adds sort of a fun aspect to the piece, which makes it look pretty good in my opinion. My piece never really evolved while I worked on it, as while I sketched I merely drew whatever I thought might look interesting, and this resulted in a neat, very shape oriented piece. if I were to continue working on this piece, I would absolutely add color as my first step, and really try to flesh it out with much darker lines. Overall I had a lot of fun on this piece, even if it is far from my best work.