Donate Life Project

For this project, we were asked to make a piece focusing on organ and tissue donation. So, to promote organ and tissue donation, I drew a simple drawing with the text "Organ and tissue donation: It's like a super power." I drew a hand holding a floating heart that has an aura of power. I really enjoy drawing hands, and this was a good way to get practice with something I like while also promoting organ and tissue donation. I decided to continue working digitally, as it has been working well for me so far. This also allows it to be photographed really easily. I first worked on using shape to create the general outline, as when working with anatomy it's important to get the complete idea down first. I also decided to color the piece, which I usually don't do. While the coloring itself isn't very dynamic, it is still an improvement as I normally never color my pieces. I really like how this piece came out, and I think the message is is very clear and simple, and overall results in a pretty neat and nice piece. Overall I had the idea of what to do in the beginning, the only thing that changed a bunch was the hand position. I struggled to figure out how I wanted to position the hand, and this is what I landed on. If I were to continue working on this piece, I would make the lines on the hand much neater, and I would add a light background of some kind.