3D paperScape

In this project, we were asked to make a 3d piece using the cricut cutter, and by pasting them onto another piece of paper. So, for this project, I decided to make a hills landscape, and have mountains in the background. This project doesn't relate to my life in particular. I made this project by gluing pieces of paper cut by the cricut cutter, and using a variety of colored paper. In this project, I used shape, color, emphasis, and pattern within this project. For Elements of art, I used shape to create most of the landscape, a mixture of complex and simple shapes, and color for all of the shapes. The color allowed me to create more depth, showing darker for farther away and lighter for being closer. For principles of design, I used emphasis and pattern. Emphasis allowed the piece to really pop, and made the main eye seeking attraction the valley. For pattern, I used a lot of simple shapes in a pattern, which made the project feel a bit simple, but with intent behind it. Originally, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do for a scape, and was thinking of doing a city scape originally. But, I ended up going with a more mountainy, valley scape. If I were to continue on this project, I would make the paper stand out more, and be a bit more three dimensional.