Contour shoe drawing

For this assignment we were asked to take a look at our shoe, and draw multiple different angles of the shoe. Top view, side view, and a side view. We drew all three of these angles on a large piece of paper. To make this piece all I needed was a ruler, an eraser, a large piece of paper, and a pencil.

In this piece, the elements of of art that I used are shape, line, and space. I used line and shape to make up the original shape of the shoe. For space I used specific areas in my drawing where I didn't fill it in, yet it still felt natural. These elements of art ended up making a unity and balance into my piece. Unity being how nothing felt out of place, and everything felt like it should have been there. Balance made each side feel fair, and not overly covered compared to another side. At the start of this piece, I attempted to do very elaborate knots for my shoes. But, it became very difficult very quickly, so I ended up scrapping the idea and just doing normal shoe laces.

There isn't a meaning behind this piece, and they it doesn't really relate to my life, other than that they are my shoes. The think I am most proud of is the side views proportions and the way it looks, for I am very impressed with how it came out. The thing I struggled with the most was the front view because it was very difficult to get a good shape that looked like a shoe from the front view. I ended up accepting the it might look a little weird, but it still ended up looking pretty good for a front view. If I was to change something it would probably be the front view, and I would tackle the challenge to try to make it look better.