Ink and Charcoal Piece

In this piece there isn't a story. But, it relates to my life being that the picture is my Grandparent's bird. I see them often, so I see this bird a lot. I am most proud of how the feathers came out in this project, because I think they really give a lot of depth. Even though the feathers are my favorite part, I also struggled with them the most because I was attempting to get a good sense of depth. The thing that bothers me the most on my picture is the ink, because I feel like I messed up badly when trying to add ink. If I was to go back I'd attempt to fix the ink portion of my project.

For this assignment, we were asked to choose a photo to draw using charcoal and ink. We first had to both grid the image and grid the big paper we drew on. This allowed us to translate it over easier. I chose to draw my grandparents bird showing off its feathers. I used a mixture of pencil, ink and charcoal on a large piece of paper.

for this project, I used different elements and principles. But, I mainly focused on value. I also used line, space, balance, emphasis, and contrast. Value was the main focus of the picture, and it is seen all within the picture being the difference of light and dark. The line being the pencil outline I did before. The space is how I placed my bird and the where I left certain places white without using charcoal or ink. Balance is the mixture between light and dark colors, and how the light angle makes it look like its coming from a specific position, and also emphasis, because I drew the whole background a dark black to make the main focus, the bird, stand out. I used contrast to blend the edges together, making the picture flow better. Originally, I wasn't planning on the background being black, but due to shortage of time and difficulty I decided to scrape the idea.