Disability Equality Project.

In this project, we were asked to create a piece showing some form a disability, and how they are equal in every way. So, for my piece, I showed a man in a wheelchair using a handicapped bus, showing the accessibility we can have for people with disabilities. This project doesn't really connect with my life personally, but I have a want for disability rights. For this project, I used my drawing tablet, and specifically the app ProCreate. This allowed me to create a polished, colored piece of art. During my creation stage of making this project, I made sure to use a variety of different principles and elements in my work. I wanted to make sure the colors all blended well together, and for my main message to stand out. So, I focused on emphasis, and color works. This makes for a much better piece with my main idea plastered right in the center. Not to mention, I also used Value and texture, specifically on my main character. I made sure to add multiple shades of value, creating more depth, and the texture all along their clothes, making the project feel more plausible. Originally, I had a very hard time coming up with a good concept for this project, but I ended up picking something that stands out, and has a clear message without any words. If I was to continue on this piece, my next steps would be to redo the vehicle in the background, and make it fit nicer into this piece.