Sgraffito Tile

For this project, we were asked to create a design onto a sgraffito tile. So, what we did was draw a design onto clay, and then once it's kilned, it'll be a completed piece. So, for my piece, I wanted to continue working on birds, just as I was doing before this project. So, I decided to draw a bird on the tile, which I really like how it came out. For this piece, I merely scratched the design I wanted, in this case just a simple design of a budgie, onto the clay tablet, creating the design I wanted. I am new to drawing birds, so the anatomy shift from humans to birds was very difficult, especially on a style that I've never done before. Because of this, it took my a lot of practice in order to be able to get the form correct, which is a major reason why I wanted to do a cartoony, fun style. When it comes to drawing animals of any kind, the form is the most important part. So, I actually ended up going with the flow for this one, looking at my own birds while drawing, just getting the base shape down. The easiest part are the details, and the form isn't too difficult, especially since I have two little models who helped me a ton when drawing birds. I am honestly very proud of how this came out, as it's really cute, and overall fits the theme I am going for. If I were to change anything, I would completely redo the eye, and I would change the position the bird is in, maybe use a bigger piece of tile, and overall go for something a little more dynamic. But, for my first time with sgraffito, I am proud of how it came out.