Sculpture Sustained Investigation #1

For this project, we were asked to choose a topic that we related to, and that we wanted to do, and create three sculptures around this topic. So, with the materials I had available, I created a character, as the topic that I chose is character design. So, I created an interesting box creature. This doesn't relate to my life, but I got heavy inspiration from a mimic like creature, so I decided to go along with this inspiration. The work was made mainly with a box and wires, with a bit of colored paper and medallions. I also used a ton of wire with beads. In this project, I used a variety of different elements and principles of design. Things such as color, texture, and contrast. Color was mainly used within the mouth of the creature. This was to show a nice contrast between the teeth and the mouth, and it allowed the creature to be much more recognizable. I also used contrast on the tentacle like arms, which varied in length and how they angled. The texture was important, because it gives the tentacle like arms more of a presence. Originally, I wanted to have a creature within the box, with it's arms reaching out. I later decided to change this, and made the creature and the box the same. So, the creature is the box. If I was to continue working on this project, I would have it so the creature's eyes are better, and make it so the mouth was more defined, and more recognizable as this creature. I would also change the eyes, as they make the creature more cute, which wasn't exactly the starting idea, but I still enjoyed creating it.