Circle Midterm Project

In this project, we were asked to create a piece using a variety of pre-made circles on a page. This is similar to a project we did at the beginning of the year. I made an underwater piece with octopus reaching up towards the surface, making sure to not draw outside of the pre-made circles. To create this, I used copic markers on the paper we were given. I specifically used movement, emphasis, and form in my elements and principles of art and design. Clearly movement was used in my piece to make the octopus look like he is reaching up, I also used emphasis, since I never drew outside of the pre-made circles. Finally, there is form, since I used a lot of form when creating the octopus and his tentacles, so I could get the proportions correct. If I were to change something about this piece, I would make the tentacles easier to follow, and attempt to make a better color for it.