AP Sustained Investigation #3

For this project, and for all upcoming sustained investigation projects, I have an inquiry question that I am applying to each and every piece. My inquiry question is, how can I create complex objects using a 3D rendering software? So, for this first project, and just like my last two sustained investigations, I used the program blender. I will probably be using blender for the entire year, as it is very complex and I still have a ton to learn. I have never worked with a 3D software before, so everything I am doing is brand new. When it comes to making something on a 3D software, there is a lot that goes into it. Much of which is understanding shape and color. So, I used a lot of shape when making this piece. After my last two projects were very simple and easy, I decided I would attempt a more complex object. So, I created a little treasure chest, which taught me a ton about this software, and also took me many hours. Shape allowed me to see the general baseline of the piece, and add some detail from there. Shading was surprisingly easy, and really makes this piece feel real and alive. I really learned a lot from this piece, and while I struggled to create a more complex piece, because I pushed myself to do it, I learned a lot more about the program then I did with the first two projects. The learning process is certainly a lot, and I am hoping to continue to make complex pieces like this, with it constantly getting better and more complex.. This piece evolved a lot, since I started off with a sketch, and then I only had a rough idea for the piece, so much of it was playing around in blender until things looked like I wanted them to. For the next piece, I am going to try to fully add color properly, as I was having trouble with it on this piece. If I was to continue this piece, I would add a lot more detail, and I would really focus on adding more shading and color to the piece to make it look much better.