Transition Notes

Post date: Apr 26, 2020 3:47:38 AM

The bed you see is 12x4. It gets about 8 hours of sun in peak summer.

It held overwintered broccoli, knol kohl, Asian greens, bok choi.

At the farther end are coriander. Sown in October. Three rows. They were cut and they came back, now bolted. Will leave two plants for seeds and pest control, and bring it down. Dill and parsley will be sown there. Two dertminate tomatoes will be at the corners.

Th next rows hold lettuce on one side and carrots on the other. Lettuce now being harvested. Carrots will take another two months.

As I pull the carrots out, I will sow bush avarai. They will yield in Fall and can be sown until end July.

The lettuce patch will be cleared to sow salad peppers by mid May.

Then there is a patch of kale and beetroots. Kale will yield until June. Beets need two months more. Will wait for this patch to clear up by June, and sow the zucchinis here.

The next row is spinach. Will harvest as long as possible and the space will get occupied by the zucchini.

Then there is Bok choi going to seeds, and asain greens, mustards. Those rows will hold summer greens - manathakkali, chakotha, thantu and amaranthus. Some marigolds and chamomile. A few ginger sprouts will go in when there is space.

The last two row has chukka. They will yield until end May. Two creeping Korean zucchinis will be sown at the corners to flow on the ground. When the plants are brought down, bush beans next batch will be sown.

It is April end now, mid Spring. By mid summer in July, the bed will transition from cilantro, beets, spinach, kale, asain greens, mustard, chukka, Bok choi, knol kohl, and carrots to dill, tomatoes, parsley, summer greens, beans, avarai, zucchini, squash and ginger. Almost seamlessly.

Posting for those that ask what to sow where. Grow in every square foot of space you have. And for what you will eat.

Grow to the season. Think ahead to the next 90 days. That is the window for most plants. Seed to yield to seed.