Eggplant growing tips - provided by Jenny

Post date: Oct 5, 2020 6:56:46 PM

Last year some told that starting eggplants was not successful this is what works for me.

I start in seed starter cells with 4 to 5 seeds per cell as the germination rate can be low. Don’t burry the seeds deep. After putting the seeds add a think layer of the mix on top.

Once germinated and has two leafs I thin it to 3 per cell. Just snip the top not disturbing the roots.

When the cell is full of roots move to a slightly bigger pot like a foam cup or 2.5 or 3 inch pot. Now thin to two seedlings removing the weaker one. When this pot gets full of roots you can move to ground or to a bigger pot until ready to plant thin to one plant. You need only couple healthy plants as they produce so much.

When growing in cell and small pot need to be very careful when putting them out in sun. Since it’s small tray they get heated up fast and cook the plants or dry out. Keep in half shade and well watered when out.