Open letter
Open letter to some truth seekers
When we practice spirituality and thus consider to have a spiritual life, meaning that spiritual and daily life are not separated, it’s not possible to lose ourselves in many disciplines, methods and techniques of meditation or other spiritual practices, in paradigms, cosmologies or cosmogonies purely conceptual, if not theoretical or dogmatic, in metaphysical commentaries and teachings coming from different traditions, and in books and thoughts, which will sooner or later create complete confusion. We must be able to instantly get back to the basics of our spiritual life, and have very simple and effective thoughts and practices, if not only one of both, that will allow the mind, that is to say our inner mental mess, to be cleared up and settle down quickly in order to eventually fade away until the great liberation happens, divine love, paradise or whatever we think to be the purpose of our spiritual life, Self-realization as far as the trendy quest for non-duality and awakening are concerned in the West.
Why ? Because the mind is the cause of suffering, dissatisfaction, illusion, ignorance and slavery, of all our inner conflicts, existential miseries and pipe dreams, neurosis and psychosis if you will, and not the ego as most of Neo Advaita gurus teach today without even understanding the basics of Advaita Vedanta, the philosophical system at the origin of their so-called nondual teachings. But that however will not prevent them to teach their own version of this very ancient sacred knowledge as if they suddenly became honorable Gurus after a spiritual experience, a so-called "awakening", that makes them hallucinating instead of of being free at the very least from their own arrogance. And they will omit, of course, to mention the original name of this knowledge in order to rename it "Nonduality", which is nothing else than the translation of the Sanskrit word "Advaita", just to avoid some little problems and debates with experts on that matter who usually don't appreciate the nonsense taught by those Neo gurus.
It goes without saying that they will also shun the word "Guru", a word they frankly despise as if it was somewhat a bit vulgar or pedantic, maybe too pontifical, who knows..., in order to replace it with infinitely more humble terms such as spiritual guide and teacher despite the fact that the word Guru means spiritual guide and teacher, someone who obviously has a specific experience and knowledge that others have not. But for a very strange reason, the word "Satsang" will usually be tolerated and even very much appreciated, maybe for its exoticism, although that word means nothing else than "sacred" gathering around a spiritual discourse, unfortunately absent or completely truncated in those Western Satsang.
So this so-called spiritual experience or great awakening, a little bit megalomaniac and neurotic as we can easily suppose, would have apparently showed those Neo gurus bells and whistles, and especially the Nonduality and Oneness of everything, the supreme truth, and even served them on a silver plate how to teach it without even study before what's it's all about, although they all have read, before or after their alleged awakening and liberation, at least one book of Ramana Maharshi, an authentic Guru now enshrined as superstar in the Neo spiritual circles, and who was teaching, guess what..., the most traditional Advaita Vedanta they don't want to hear about. But they generally read his words to take only what suits their personal interests and mix them with other traditions that have very often no relation with any sort of non-duality in order to create kind of cheap metaphysical mumbo jumbo teaching, as it's the case, for instance, for this very dear Mooji who plays perfectly well the role of divine guru by even enjoying the rare privilege of having people touching or kissing his feet, but who unfortunately didn't understand Vedanta and Advaita, and not even the teaching of his own pseudo guru Poonjaji, what seems to be the least of his concern anyway.
The smiling face of all these Neo gurus is nevertheless so cute and lovely that we can only forgive their imposture and buy at least a few CDs, DVDs and a photo of their portrait after their so-called Satsang in memory of a performance worthy of pathetic clowns. Still Mooji, one of the funniest on the Neo spiritual scene, has now found the great idea of selling the photo of his feet to achieve his role of humble spiritual guide. Spirituality or idolatry, as long as the business of spirituality is profitable and spectacular, who cares ? In the West, nobody !
Furthermore, let us mention very clearly that to create a spirituality based on the annihilation of the ego, as all those Neo gurus teach in their own ways, is utterly absurd and doesn’t match any Vedanta teachings or other spiritual traditions, not even Western psychology where we can find the term ego. "Ahamkar" in Sanskrit, i.e. the personal identity, ego, "I, me and myself" or self-consciousness as an intelligent person obviously different from the others, has never been at the origin of suffering and ignorance creating so many illusions. But where the hell did those Neo Advaita teachers have discovered that we have to free ourselves from a personal identity and self-consciousness, which is obviously essential to live normally and communicate intelligently ? Just imagine, for instance, what would happen in your life if suddenly you couldn’t refer to yourself and lose consciousness of your own existence as a person separated from the others to only express your own thoughts, which, of course, wouldn’t be yours anymore ? Or what would happen if you felt like scratching your buttocks and didn’t make any difference between yours and the ones of others ? Even a truly liberated soul or Guru would become totally insane and get some serious problems. The liberation and spiritual awakening that Neo gurus advocate looks pretty much like an absurd depersonalization or disidentification as much crazy as their wisdom, if not kind of self-inflicted lobotomy. And they call that the "direct path" to enlightenment, awakening or kind of liberation. It will for sure be a very direct path, but surely not to what people really expected in the first place.
So what are the essential practices and basic principles of a true and sane spirituality ? We already know them without the slightest doubt, but probably drowned in a mass of confusing thoughts, teachings and knowledge far too complicated to be of any use during our everyday life that we all live, including souls allegedly liberated from body and mind. The superstars of the very popular Neo spiritual wave of today know them too, but they will never speak about, or they will laugh at them in order to show off as if they were even free from their human condition, except, just a little detail, everything concerning "money, sex, notoriety and power", that is to say what everybody is interested in at different degrees just to be ordinary humans. But in the domain of spiritual show business, we will notice that Neo gurus are at a level quite above the average and with unlimited perspectives, especially about money and sex.
Ramana Maharshi like all the other authentic Gurus of yore and today has actually only taught the "Dharma", that's the vocation of any true Gurus. And as far as Advaita and Non-duality are concerned, he also taught Vichara, a spiritual method of introspection he has introduced to people as a simple question in order to be more understandable, this question being "Who am I ?". As for Shankaracharya, Gaudapada, Yajnavalkya or Vashishta, some of the most important masters in traditional Vedanta and Advaita, this practice is at the very heart of all their teachings. Our true nature, what we really are and also called the truth in other contexts, is, of course, discovered and realized within ourselves by practicing a Self-inquiry or "meditative introspection", and by remaining fully conscious of what is happening inside ourselves. "Chit" in Sanskrit, i.e. consciousness, awareness and the ability to be purely conscious, and so of knowing, is obviously the fundamental principle of spirituality, self-realization and knowledge. This is so obvious in every Eastern or Western tradition that we may really wonder what a liberation or spiritual revelation would be without being aware of it. If awareness or consciousness were not the fundamental principle of all existence, discovery, experience, knowledge, intelligence and realization, what could it be ?
So what is the purpose of this quest for Self-realization, "Self-inquiry" or so-called meditative introspection, from the Latin "introspicere" : insight or watching inside the mind. Vichara is practiced by sitting in a comfortable meditative posture in order to understand and experience the why and how of this technique extremely simple because there is nothing "to do", but only "to be and remain fully conscious of it". And, of course, once understood and integrated, so to speak, we can and should practice Vichara in everyday life, at any moment and especially whenever we remember, as, for instance, when thoughts stop and inner silence establishes itself for no specific reason. Some people may call it dynamic meditation, mindfulness, Sati, vigilant attention, full awareness, pure consciousness and by other names according to different traditions or teachers. Whatever the name we choose, it’s essential to understand that this practice comes down to simply bring our attention on the very fact of being conscious and so fully apprehend the presence of our own existence as such, that is to say to discover "the plenitude of being", instead of losing ourselves in the complexity of the mind and thinking process, which would usually tend to scatter our attention and awareness. That's it as far as the technique itself is concerned, and that's more than enough for an entire life of spiritual quest.
On the other hand, keeping this technique as the main point or strategy of our spiritual life will also prevent us to get confused with a multitude of other spiritual practices, which are not useless, but which will inevitably lead to this meditative introspection and question "Who am I ?", a question that should not be intellectualized, but, on the contrary, bring us instantly back to the plenitude of being. It's good to practice different spiritual techniques and sometimes change to appreciate their quality, but at one point or another, we have to know who or what is practicing them, and what its true nature is, the true nature of the so-called conscious being that the practitioner embodies. It seems obvious in a spiritual quest, which must somehow have a direct relation with the spirit, our own spirit or mind, that is to say the one of this "I, me and myself" or ego. In Advaita Vedanta and sacred traditions always concerned with the origin and true nature of everything, there is before all a lot of common sense unfortunately absent in Neo Advaita and New Age.
In this type of introspection totally different from the one practiced in psychology or psychoanalysis, we welcome every manifestation of our inner life and of the outer world with a peaceful, very attentive and serene state of mind that does not forget the presence of our faculty to be conscious at the very origin of that spiritual quest. We don’t try to prevent thoughts from occurring, sensations and emotions to appear in the mind nor the actions of everyday life to be carried out naturally, and even less to change our way of speaking – the so-called "Advaita Speak" or very trendy nondual jargon of today is so ridiculous than even some Neo Advaita teachers find it completely stupid, even though they use it without realizing it in their own speech. All the manifestations of our life, body and mind are accepted as they are, but with an attention and state of mind somewhat aware of itself. It's in fact a very simple and basic technique we can always practice under any circumstances, and that's one of the most important factor in order to spiritualize all our everyday life and even the world we live in, since it is perceived in our mind and nowhere else.
We have to understand that the life we experience at every moment is always the most perfect ground on which we can really practice spirituality, search for Self-realization and awakening, and also to challenge and test our spiritual life in order to know if it's really of any use because it's obviously intended to help human beings who usually suffer or at the very least feel deep dissatisfaction in their own life. Spirituality is for human and thinking beings who obviously have a personal identity or ego, a personal story, a past, present and future, and self-consciousness making them different from the others. It's not for Brahman, the Self, God, a supreme being or universal consciousness, which are already pure bliss and perfection, and really don't need to be helped, awakened, enlightened or liberated from anything as Neo gurus are teaching nowadays.
Let us be clear once and for all about the real purpose of spirituality, no Guru worthy of this name teaches such nonsense or how to enter into trance and live peak experiences more or less mystical, transcendental or psychedelic, non-ordinary as Neo gurus would say, if not in some cases completely psychotic, even if those Neo gurus are not able to know, understand and teach anything else. It's not and has never been the purpose of spirituality that we should not confuse with mysticism or shamanism, nor the intention of seeking the end of suffering, liberation, self-realization, the experience of non-duality, Sahaja Samadhi or Turya, which determine the "natural" and not "supernatural" or transcendental state of being. When Neo gurus teach that the so-called awakening they sell is going to solve the personal problem of people, mainly their anxiety and depression, and even save humanity as some pretend, it's nothing more than a crazy joke, a good commercial for their spiritual business. A true Guru is supposed to bring the light of knowledge, which dispels the darkness of our ignorance, that is to say a true spiritual awakening in this world as it is and how we perceive it like any other human beings. Such a quest has even nothing to do with Nirvikalpa Samadhi and other mystical ecstasies of the kind. Concepts such as liberation, Self-realization, the end of suffering or natural state of being concern obviously someone living in a world of ordinary reality and not in a transcendental, ecstatic or divine dimension.
And life goes on as usual whatever happens ... with or without any peculiar spiritual experiences. That’s why the practice of Vichara as any other true spiritual quest or techniques must always take place in the context of "Dharma", that is to say with a reasonable mind and correct path on which we take reality as it is without deluding ourselves or lying to the others, but especially deluding ourselves for obvious reasons that won't be necessary to comment a lot. It goes without saying that we don’t carry out that kind of spiritual quest in order to free our neighbors from suffering, but if possible to make their life more peaceful, otherwise the golden rule will always be "the respect for others", that allows us to respect ourselves, one of the main purpose of Dharma, but also of any civilization worthy of that name.
The "Dharma" as the natural order of everything, the cosmic order of the universe, planets and humanity, and the social and moral order at the origin of every civilization, quite different from a wild and barbarian state, is not the exclusivity of spirituality even though Patanjali insists a lot on that subject in his Yoga Sutra, which explains that Yamas and Niyamas, moral and social codes, are the 2 very first means and sine qua non of the practice of Yoga, i.e. an authentic quest for spiritual union, Self-realization or spiritual awakening. Nowhere in the world there has been and there is a true spirituality without Dharma, nor there is education for children without teaching them how to think and behave correctly, for the simple reason that we are, in principle, or more accurately should be civilized beings. And as we can very easily notice nowadays in the West, it's not culture, arts, politics, science or technology that are civilizing people, but only our moral and social life, in other words, the practice of "Dharma". And that practice becomes really spiritual as soon as we try to live with, guess what..., not our consciousness, i.e. our faculty to be aware and conscious as Neo gurus teach, but with our "conscience", a concept we never hear about today in Neo spiritual circles. How come those so-called spiritual guides forget the importance of such a natural characteristic of the human mind, which could be nurtured or completely obliterated by spiritual teachings ? It's maybe because they realized so much the nonduality and oneness of everything that they don't make anymore the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, fair and unfair, and so on, except, of course, when they are personally concerned, like anybody else, just like any very ordinary human beings !
So to sum up the essential of a sincere spiritual life and quest is very simple to understand, whatever the spiritual technique we choose. In order to truly spiritualize our own existence, conscious being and life, we absolutely need a "Dharma", or in other words to remain fair and correct as much as we can and in any circumstances, with ourselves, the others and the environment. And we need a spiritual technique that can be practiced anywhere and at any moment, and that we will also have to explore more deeply in moments of peace and isolation, every day, usually twice a day, in the morning after waking up and at night before going to sleep. The Dharma and the experience of a daily spiritual practice determine obviously a true spiritual life and quest, the ones that almost nobody wants to teach or practice in the West today. And that's why our so-called spiritual rebirth, renaissance or new spiritual age has a serious problem because it generally doesn't go beyond preppy talks or kind of intellectual vaguely metaphysical narrative, nothing more than a new consumer product and entertainment for middle-class people who don't understand anymore who they are and what they are doing in a Western society that doesn't need them anymore, and who are, of course, most of the time depressive for very good reasons, although spirituality is not a psychotherapy or psychoanalysis.
Nowadays Neo gurus prefer to suppress the Dharma and quite often every spiritual practice, but especially the Dharma because they don't want to embarrass their customers with ethical precepts and the idea of a moral or morality, concepts virtually banned in all their talks, and which could disturb their mental comfort or what's left of it, or with concepts such as truthfulness and goodness towards the others that could also make them forget their narcissistic quest for well-being so profitable for the Neo gurus who teach their so-called "direct path" to spiritual awakening, a purely and simply egoistical awakening if not quite psychotic. And that Dharma is systematically replaced by kind of Satsang, talks or lectures, which are supposed to transmit the Shakti or Shaktipata, the spiritual energy, knowledge and enlightenment called " the awakening", the big word of today, but which unfortunately means nobody really knows what since they all have their own little idea on the topic. And since all those Neo gurus very awakened to their own hypocrisy and delusion are nothing more than pathetic smooth takers, sophists and expert in rhetoric, nobody until now has realized the Self or become by some miracle a Jivanmukta, a liberated soul, or simply awakened to kind of universal consciousness that would solve their personal problems by such preposterous meetings, which would also be more or less magical as the Neo guru Tony Parsons explains so well in order to enhance the quality of his ridiculous teachings. But since he has studied so much the Avadhuta, Ribhu and Astravakra Gita that advocates kind of "renouncement to renouncement", and maybe also the Diamond Sutra, for so many years without even understanding the basics of that kind of very high and pretty esoteric teaching, he thinks now to be on the top and even above traditional Gurus as Ramana Maharshi, for instance, that he loves to laugh at during his Satsang. So what would be left if not to applaud the buffoon who dreams now, as he says in an interview, to buy a Lamborghini after having a Porsche ? As a matter of fact, after being the disciple of a psychotic guru who owned 96 Rolls Royce rotting on a hill, it's a very humble and quite awakening desire.
The only little problem in that spiritual crazy circus and Neo Advaita teachings, nothing more than a cheap New Age always available in the ultra intellectual section of every good supermarket, very funny and especially profitable teachings for the so-called teachers, but much less for their customers once they understand the scam and absolute uselessness of their speech, is that we cannot practice spirituality and have an authentic and meaningful spiritual quest without "Dharma", that has never happened and it wouldn’t make sense. Only the "Dharma", a quest for right and correct thoughts and behavior, gives a true spiritual, moral and social meaning to a so self-centered and even, if you will, purely selfish quest for liberation and self-realization, a quest which obviously aims at the liberation from suffering of the individual who carries it out, him or her, and nobody else. No one in our world tread a path of enlightenment to save the neighbors or humanity. Bodhisattva, angels or whatever supernatural entities are not human beings, and they don't need spirituality. In other words very simple to understand, no "Dharma" and basic decency no spirituality at all, and without "Dharma" and morality, the whole quest for liberation and spiritual awakening is just a joke, if not, in fact, its very antithesis. So it takes only a very small step forward to say that Neo gurus teach under the guise of spirituality nothing less than kind of anti-spirituality. And we only need to find out some very well-known synonyms to the term of "anti-spirituality" and a bit of imagination to understand what those Neo gurus really are.
To take a very simple example in order to understand better the spiritual context that the Dharma represents in itself, a cosmic and natural order, and its imperative need, that is to say the means to balance an exclusive quest for personal liberation or at the very least an individual awakening, how could we discover the supreme truth, i.e. realize the Self and so spiritually awaken, without abiding to Satya, truthfulness and sincerity, one of the main topic of Dharma and, of course, the first precept of Buddha's teaching and Yoga of Patanjali ? How could we sincerely search for the supreme truth without first being true to ourselves and the others ? Who would decently believe that liberation and truth, 2 words with exactly the same spiritual meaning, could be reached by carrying on with lies, deceits and hypocrisy in order to satisfy personal desires, or by pretending and suggesting many things just to pass for what we are not, as all the Neo gurus are so used to ? If we still have some very basic sanity, how could we seek a supreme spiritual happiness and liberation for ourselves and ignore the existence of others ? It would simply be complete nonsense and a total absence of psychological balance in the mind that we usually try to calm down as much as possible while waiting for a spiritual awakening – even a child would understand that very easily without a lot of explanation.
But that's what the Western spiritual rebirth, Neo Advaita and famous "Crazy wisdom" teach today, which is indeed the perfect expression of a limitless "Cult of the ego" and the glorification of the power and values of an egotistical mind, i.e. the stimulation of selfishness, greed and hypocrisy. What else could we sincerely expect from a spirituality teaching that you are God or universal consciousness having a human experience, and so do as you please ? And it's not positive thinking workshops where we learn how to lose our critical mind and become simpleton that are going to annihilate that egocentric cult of stupidity or let us say more kindly, the celebration of that anti-spirituality.
Is it therefore necessary to explain that such a pseudo spirituality leads sooner or later to psychological unbalance and in some cases, serious nervous breakdown and suicide, a tiny detail put aside or just completely ignored in very well-informed Neo spiritual circles, but also a problem becoming increasingly common as some psychologists realize when they get so-called spiritual followers mentally sick, psychologically completely broken or on the verge of suicide after having followed the great teaching of some self-proclaimed great Neo gurus very famous in particular for the quality of their business and advertising they get for free on YouTube ? And should we also mention the Neo gurus themselves who have their own shrink in order to get their dose of serotonin and assume their role of liberated gurus ? Are we still speaking of spirituality or a very serious cultural crisis ?
This type of spirituality called Neo Advaita, Nonduality or New Age comes down to throwing gasoline on a fire in order to extinguish it. And the mind loves fire, and it’s quite ready to pay a lot for that kind of new conditioning, which flatters its temper as long as it’s exciting and doesn’t burn too much. This fire or ardor so stimulating for a while, as long as it doesn't make it completely sick, could be summarized with crazy advertising slogans or Neo teachings such as "You are already liberated and absolutely perfect, so be as you are. Reality is a projection of your own thoughts, so stop thinking, don't worry and be happy. You are pure consciousness and God living a human experience, truly speaking you are divine and not human. Free will is an illusion, the whole universe is an illusion, everything happens according to God's will and so your own will since you are God. Spiritual practices are totally obsolete and moreover useless because they reinforce the illusory presence of the ego, the 'doer' that practices them, therefore, practice spirituality without practice. Be positive and not judgmental… especially about that kind of teaching, be awakened and liberated without searching for awakening and liberation. Critical mind or ego, it's pure evil anyway, just forget it. Reality is only the dance of Shiva, a performance, an illusory play, a crazy cosmic game, who cares, nobody cares anyway. Your search for selfish awakened well-being is quite natural since everybody is selfish, already awakened and searching for well-being, so why should you be ashamed and ashamed of what ? Whatever happens, it’s not your fault and responsibility anyway, only ‘your ego’ is guilty, and you're not your ego since you are divine, pure and universal consciousness. Traditional spirituality was good for primitive cavemen lost somewhere in the Himalaya and who, of course, didn't know anything about transpersonal psychology, nor the Internet, the only reliable source of information where you can find the most authentic Neo PayPal gurus. Don’t believe your own thoughts, they are the thoughts of your ego, your enemy. And so on...", in other words, under the guise of a spiritual teaching, a radical brainwashing ! That kind of demagogic fire and insane teachings is nothing less than neurotic poison presented on a beautiful silver plate as non-duality, evolutionary spirituality or some other names depending on the mood of the so-called guru. And very fortunately, it's not spirituality at all.
And in the mean time, everybody is so happy, happy and happy that Neo gurus are running a very good business, so profitable that they are always ready to organize with, of course, a high dose of love and compassion, Satsang, workshops and retreats all over the world. But after a few years of spinning around the planet like a top, they would nevertheless love to stay home and sell a lot more books, CDs, DVDs and interviews on Skipe, spiritual consultations and counseling as they say, which would disturb much less their meditative and very awakening life when they are not laughing at their own teaching and the naivety of the people who follow it. At the very least, they understood the true value of their spirituality, financial value, of course.
It could be interesting to understand in that kind of spiritual business that only one CD or DVD sold several millions of copies, as it's the case for the very well-known international gurus on the Web, especially the American ones, brings back to the author several millions of Dollars or Euros multiplied at least by 10, but quite often a lot more, it only depends on the greed of the guru who would not hesitate to produce as many DVDs as Satsang since they usually are only the recording of those talks. Spirituality is not a small business today, but a real industry for the impostors such as Eckhart Tolle who can even ask 150 to 300 US$ for listening to his lecture among hundreds if not thousands of other people, Deepak Chopra who became famous with his not so spiritual books on the laws of success and how to stay young, Gangaji, Byron Katie, Adyashanti, Rupert Spira and hundreds of other famous charlatans who improvised this non-disturbing spirituality based on positiveness, feel-good techniques, well-being, and where customers are always right as long as they don’t criticize the teaching and point to some nonsense. Their personal wealth obtained from their so-called nondual teachings is at the very least estimated at millions of Dollars or much more, the magazine "Forbes" values the fortune of the American guru Winfrey Oprah to a minimum of 3 billion of US$. And let us not forget a weird detail, which somehow is the height of their crazy business, many of those Neo Advaita gurus got the teaching they sell by any means and at any prices in the West from spiritual knowledge they got most of the time for free or very cheap in Asia, and especially in India, one of the poorest country of the world. Thanks a lot to Buddha, Shiva, Ramana Maharshi and even the pseudo guru Pounjaji who never ask one cent to their disciples ! But now the Neo gurus generally prefer to forget the origin of their so-called spiritual knowledge, take down the photos and don’t pay tribute to those who provided the essential materials for building up their business. This probably prevents their followers from straying too far away from the herd and going in the shop of another guru who might have been more substantial.
Does that mean that true spirituality must be synonymous of hardship, suffering, self-punishment, misery, altruism, complete renouncement and austerity, kind of superhuman asceticism, if not pure masochism otherwise it would not be real spirituality ? Or that spiritual teachers should live barefoot in the middle of winter and dressed in rags as beggars in the streets – or on a bench in a park as Eckhart Tolle told in order to become famous at the beginning of his career and that he denied later on in an interview – just to be taken seriously and at last be considered as real gurus ? So for those who think in such simplistic and funny terms, and who will inevitably wonder about that kind of good questions, they should ask themselves if to be good, respectful and correct in their life and thoughts is a very ancient form of torture, if remaining fully aware of themselves, their self-centered psychology and the world in which they actually live as human being without thinking to be God, Brahman or the Self, is systematically a way for suffering, and if facing themselves and the world as it is while practicing Vichara, mindfulness or whatever is necessarily a monstrous practice only good for cavemen or monks.
How could we sincerely have a spiritual quest without facing ourselves and so do our best to be better ? How could we really think that spirituality is only about "Me, me, me, I, I, I, my awakening, my enlightenment and my liberation" ? Let us be back in the real world and open our eyes on the spirituality sold today. And for those who cannot understand such judgmental and aggressive critics, so negative thinking, please, lose your time and money if it's what you really like, and good luck because you are going to really need it on your narcissistic "direct path" leading straight down into a nightmare.
No Dharma no spirituality, spirituality is the Dharma. We like it or not, the cosmic and natural order of everything in the universe is also, as far as we are personally concerned, a moral and social order in our own life and mind, and it's certainly not by trying to ignore it that we could live better or be free from it.
Hari Om Tat Sat
mel patrick
Do not hesitate to circulate far and wide this open letter to those who would be able to understand its meaning, and publish it if you like in your own website, blog or forum.
23 / 6 / 2014