
What doesn't have

to always be intellectualized,

but enjoyed

Last update : 3 / 1 / 2020

A mystical experience or spiritual awakening is not a Self-realization or the so-called liberation.

A spiritual experience is nothing more than an event that can be remembered when it’s over.

No spiritual awakening is able to free oneself from the mind or ego for the simple reason that any experience is a mental phenomenon happening in the mind when the ego remember it.

And only the ego, that is to say the mind, can remember it ; consciousness is only watching the show.

The reader is asked to read the experience described on the 10/30/2011. Its purpose is to set things straight.

10 / 1 / 2019

Spiritual psychosis

Every spiritual experience is systematically converted into the mind, the mind as a system of thought, but also of belief, more or less if we may say so in a form of narcissism and personality disorder, not to say neurosis or psychosis. It has to be in the thinking process and memory or inner life and public talks called Satsang the expression of "It's me who has lived that experience, I realized this or that, I am the one who is free from suffering or slavery, it's me who has discovered the truth, the answer or solution to this or that problem, etc. ". In short, the heart of every already lived experience expresses that "I, me and myself", "me, I and mine", which is the ego.

Contrary to what is taught today, we have to free ourselves from those experiences in order to pursue a sane spiritual quest, which obviously cannot be an ego-trip, but its opposite, from the fact that no spiritual experience is liberating since it will always provoke that sort of personality disorder. And it's easy to realize that's quite the case by simply listening to the talk of all the Neo gurus who cannot prevent themselves from telling their lives and personal experiences, if they ever have anything else to speak about : "Me, I and myself..., it's me who..., according to my experience... already when I was a child..., I think that I...., I remember this..., etc.", in other words, who confuse personal narrative with spiritual teaching as if their personality and personal life were kind of example for the others.

To believe that a spiritual experience can be liberating and somehow therapeutic is contrary to what any experience is, that is to say, a personal growth and evolution. It is neither good nor bad, but lived, or in other words, already past, and it allows to pursue our path and spiritual quest provided that we do not stop there and make it a new "cult of the ego". In very simple terms, it means that we can forget the whole Neo spirituality because it's nothing else than the cult and glory of "what I think to be". And that's obviously not the purpose of spirituality.

12 / 1 / 2019

Strange and yet very clear

The only real point of all the spiritual, non-ordinary or paranormal experiences, and even those related to Ufology could be summed up in "Look, you don't have the brain to understand, but you already know everything to spiritualize your life. So what are you waiting for ?"

The problem is to know how to spiritualize our life, and that's what those experiences won't tell us. It's the enigma that we have to solve personally since nobody except ourselves know exactly what we really need.

Our Karma is absolutely unique everywhere and at every moment, it has never happened in the past and will never be again in the future. Such a perspective of life is a way among others to approach the diversity of the infinity of space and eternity of time, by being, so to speak, nothing at all, what is pretty easy to realize, and yet sublime, absolutely unique here and now, and forever, what is also not very difficult to understand at each moment.

3 / 1 / 2020

"See..., that's the truth. Now, do what you can with it."

A spiritual experience is an initiation, a revelation, not a path, a realization or liberation. Only what we can do with it has a meaning, but do we need to give meaning to the truth ? A truth without meaning would serve no purpose. But to serve what ? Each of us has his own truth and needs.

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