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11 / 27 / 2011

Did you say truly absurd ?

"Life is full of infinite absurdities which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true." Luidgi Pirandello

About self-importance

A lie is true as long as we don't try to understand it. That's pretty much the true purpose of every thought on ourselves.

"Be as you are". "I am what I am and so on", that's precisely what the ego thinks about itself. And yet, "I am" has a very different meaning, which one ?

The ego thinks "I am", since thinking "I am" is to be. But to be that "I am" without thought is something else, something very different.

12 / 5 / 2011

"Beethoven was so deaf that all his life, he thought to be a painter." Cavanna

I always had like anybody else the impression of living my life instead of realizing that I can only watch it without living it. To live an experience and to watch it are obviously not the same. To be is not to be a body and mind. "I am" is an evidence, a fact, and not a thought. To be simply means being conscious of being, existing, of simply being consciousness. And in this consciousness of oneself and the Self, there is no body and mind, no self-identity and no one, not even the notion of space and time.

1 / 5 / 2012

"Any stupid idiot will tell sooner or later the truth. It’s like a broken clock. Twice a day, it gives the right time." (In the movie "Une partie de plaisir" of Claude Chabrol.)

The supreme truth can only be experienced, it's not conceptual knowledge. When it's not anymore an experience, but a realization, at last, you know really it !

So is it an experience or a realization ? A return ticket is not a one-way ticket, It's absolutely not the same, the first brings you back exactly where you were in the first place with, of course, an experience you didn't have before. Where the one way ticket brings you is a mystery, I guess, because it cannot be a memory, a thought.

2 / 23 / 2012

Spirituality and reality

Transcendental matters are totally without importance. We are not born in a world in order to live in another dimension. The truth or Self-realization, it's only "reality" as it is. No need to go somewhere else to find it !

2 / 26 / 2012

"A red rose is not selfish because it wants to be a red rose. It would be horribly selfish if it wanted all the flowers to be red and roses." Oscar Wilde

I'm telling you the truth as I understand it. If you don't like it, find another one, it will be the same anyway. There is only one truth.

4 / 14 / 2012

Matter and consciousness

How consciousness and intelligence could be born out of matter, which, by definition, is not conscious or intelligent ? It just doesn’t make sense and it’s so obvious that science doesn’t seem to notice it.

When scientists state that consciousness and intelligence are an epiphenomenon of the brain, that is to say of matter, I really doubt that they think to be themselves an epiphenomenon of their own body or a piece of flesh with some bones in it.

And in that kind of nonsensical logic, the most athletic people should be the smartest too. No kidding, just speak with a professional footballer and see by yourself !

4 / 18 / 2012

The beauty of psychology

"So who nowadays is perfectly sure of not being neurotic ?" C G Jung

If everybody is mentally sick, that's a normal human condition. And if it’s normal, that is to say in the human norms, nobody is sick. So what’s the point of that kind of statement ? If it’s to create a new business and make everybody sick, psychology is definitively a success.

Another paradox in C G Jung's style.

During his journey in India, someone gives him the opportunity to meet Ramana Maharshi and he declined the offer because he was too busy writing his masterpiece "Psychology and alchemy" and, of course, studying books on "Western" alchemy and symbolism. We may wonder why he really went to India if it was to write a book on Western mysticism and symbology.

Let’s hope he found at least some time to enjoy a good dhal with chapatti.

5 / 19 / 2012

The height of absurdity

To review the ego of others without knowing oneself and thinking, of course, that one could have an ego and not be the ego, this I, me and myself who is thinking and reviewing the ego of others.

And even better, to speak about the ego and think "I have no ego". That's the very best, the top-notch absurd stupidity of a very humble Neo guru.

Absurdity or just blind egocentricity ? It might be pure narcissism at very high dose, a serious psychosis or just a big joke, but a very profitable joke. Money, sex and power, it's just business as usual !

9 / 27 / 2012

It’s a true and false impression

How could I know that I know nothing if I’m supposed not to know anything and to know it ?

It’s however by knowing that I can only know my own ignorance.

It makes sense, but sincerely speaking, I don't know how it works.

I know that I don't know, hmm ! So maybe, I don't know that I know too ?

11 / 2 / 2012


Thank you very much, but cocktails are not my cup of tea.

Memory, strange stuff

What did you say ?

The trouble with memory is to be unable to remember what I forget. And yet, I can remember that I forgot it instead of remembering what I forgot, which would be a lot better.

How could we know that we forgot something if we don't remember it ?

1 / 29 / 2013

Some people are really boring

Do I really have to speak to simply tell you that I don't feel like to talk to you ?

2 / 11 / 2013

Is it a joke ?

If you think that the universe surges from nothing and nowhere, which is the current scientific viewpoint with its Big Bang theory and nothingness, which is supposed to precede, we can easily state that there has never been any Big Bang since it never happened anywhere and at any moment. So there has never been any Big Bang either since it never happened at all, and the universe with everything and nothing is therefore eternal.

Ladies and gentlemen of science, would you mind understanding your own theory because, as far as I'm concerned, the theory of a Big Bang that never happened is pretty empty of meaning ?

6 / 4 / 2013

A truly stupid idea

In what could a professional footballer who makes millions of dollars by shooting a stupid ball reincarnate ? Who knows..., he might be smart enough to be the referee in his next life ? Spiritual maturity takes time, sometimes !

Something tells me that I really don't like football. But full of compassion as usual, I agree that one could love it. It's not worse than golf anyway !

8 / 7 / 2013

Me and I, without forgetting myself, of course

"I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I"

I never get tired of it, but sometimes I really get fed up with it.

That’s how the ego enjoys itself, hate and love. I'm great, I'm nothing, but I am !

8 / 8 / 2013

Is it about playing golf in pitch darkness ?

"One will not enter Nirvana until the last blade of grass becomes enlightened."

Holy cow..., would you mind emptying your plate and cleaning it ? No no no..., not one blade of grass left !

10 / 24 / 2013

In the now, there is neither past nor future

And yet, it’s only in the now that we can remember the past and figure out what would be the future, so much so that finally we don’t live anymore in the now, but in the mind, which cannot truly be found in the past nor in the future, and even less in the now. In the mind, there are past, present and future, but when and where is the mind ?

Where the hell can we really find ourselves ? Anyhow, when I'm hungry, I know the pizza is not in the past, the future or the present, but in the fridge. At last, it saves the day for the sake of cheap metaphysics.

"Darling, no pepperoni for me, I'm ultra pure vegetarian today. And no dough either, I cannot digest when it's frozen."

"What about a metaphysical tomato in the face, darling ?"

Very subtle, I guess

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." Carl Jung

That might take a very very long time. And what about the unconscious if, by definition, it cannot be nor become conscious ?

To make the unconscious conscious sounds good, but sincerely speaking, it just doesn't make sense unless Jung thinks to have become God, which is quite possible. As a matter of fact, It would be much easier to think to be God than to make the unconscious conscious. Many others think so and even without being very smart. Just take, for instance, every Neo guru..., no name, please ! No need, I mean every one, all of them !

12 / 8 / 2013

Spiritual awakening made of Teflon

Free from any attachment, I guess !

"Darling, I'm fully done today without cooking it !"

12 / 19 / 2013

Meaningful or meaningless

When something happens in our life, it has to teach us something. But what does it really teach ? Is there anything completely useless in our life ? See by yourself, writing about must have a meaning. But I wonder what it could be.

1 / 5 / 2014

We truly have to know what we want in our life

I prefer it more than the one I don't like.

In order to go somewhere, the best is to start from where we are.

When we decide to do something, and we don't do it, what did we really decide to do, to do it, not doing it, or both in the same time ?

I just would like to know what the verb "decide" means.

4 / 20/ 2014

Truth or lie

"The lie became truth." George Orwell in "1984"

A small quote that should concern every Western Neo guru. It should even be, if not already, their main subject of meditation.

6 / 3/ 2014

I was a King, a God, an Emperor..., so what ?

I never met in the world someone who remembers to have been in his past life farmer, plowman or sweeper, not even a shepherd. That's really strange, were people so dirty and skinny in the past ? I don't get it, when someone speaks of his or her past lives, it's always crazy, amazing, almost unbelievable. I even met one who thought to be pharaoh.

As far as I'm concerned, I remember very well when I was hunting mammoths... all alone, so what ? I was bringing it back to our cave, all alone, of course, and the whole tribe were very happy. Nothing really fancy, we only had food for months. Just very ordinary family life, nothing more !

6 / 9 / 2014

Quite peculiar

Two Jews meet in the Railway station of London.

One of them asks :

"Where are you going ?"

The other answers :

"To Birmingham".

The first exclaims with indignation :

"What a liar you are ! You tell me you’re going to Birmingham because you believe that I think you’re going to Bristol. But I know very well you’re going to Birmingham because your wife told me. So why are you lying ?"

That's basically how the mind works when it thinks, and my Gosh, it thinks a lot !

10 / 9 / 2014

You are not what you think

If I’m not what I think to be, I should be someone else. But how could I be someone else if he’s always watching TV and doesn't like nonsense. I can only be what I think to be because when I stop thinking, how could I be what I don't think to be anymore ? Give me a break, the one thinking "I'm not what I think" is thinking like anyone else thinking "I'm what I think".

10 / 25 / 2014

The pendulum swings both ways

Neurobiologists have proved "scientifically" beyond any doubt that free will, the faculty of choosing, is only an illusion. So, after so many years of research, I guess they didn’t have the choice to prove anything else since, according to them, there is free will and no choice.

And the insanity of their statement doesn’t need to be proved either because, if everything is predetermined, they could have proved exactly the contrary, it only depends on predetermination, destiny and fate, I guess.

Just be a bit logical, guys, don't you realize the absurdity of your statement ? Someone is predetermined to prove that there is no free will, and another is predetermined to prove that there is free will, and both should be true because everything happens according to destiny. You don't have only lost free will, but also your sanity and common sense. And you pretend to be scientists..., come on !

12 / 3 / 2014

"I intend to live forever, or die trying." Groucho Marx

The only website where it’s possible to be instantly enlightened and many other things too :

Time is an illusion

"Either he's dead or my watch has stopped." Groucho Marx

5 / 1 / 2015

Let’s be serious

How could I sincerely see a speck in my friend's eye if I have a log in mine ? We should not exaggerate our statements, it's obviously impossible, I mean to see anything. What about a log in my eye ? Just ordinary life, I guess.

6 / 2 / 2015


If there is nothing truly absurd in our life, we can wonder why so many people are unable to live without consuming some kind of drug since the beginning of time. Our human condition is great and somehow a bit dizzy.

Since beginning of time, human beings love to get high, so high that they have lost the meaning of life.


"One can live accepting the absurd, one cannot live in the absurd." André Malraux.

Help !

"Suffering that helps nobody is absurd." André Malraux.

5 / 4 / 2018

The nonsense of nonsense or the zenism of Zen in Shen Hui's style

Gurus who teach that only understanding is necessary and without having to study any scripture are always those who speak a lot, study many books and are themselves worse than a huge speaking library from which they have finally realized that only understanding without studying is essential.

Understanding is enough, everybody would agree, especially if we don't know what we are speaking about, but we may wonder what is there to be understood if we have no idea about what we are trying to understand.

So, believe the gurus who tell you and teach that all belief systems and knowledge are useless. Believe Neo gurus, damn, they are telling you that beliefs are nonsense. How could they tell you in better words that they are crazy clowns ? I urge you to believe that you should not believe in anything.

9 / 1 / 2018

Spiritual awakening

Open your eyes and if don’t see the Light, it's only be because it’s night-time. Or maybe you’re in the middle of a power cut. How could I know ?

The best anyhow is to go back to bed. Always postpone to the next morning what cannot be done during the night.

Spiritual awakening will never be what we think. I'm telling you, never trust the Light, it might be a lamp post in the street and absolutely not an enlightenment.

For very good enlightenment, always choose a sunny day. Enlightenment under the rain are wet ! Like Jack Kornfield would say, please go to the laundry.

10 / 1 / 2018

The cart before the horse... when there is no cart and no horse

Make the frame before to put the painting in it, and since the painting is not made yet, how could you know what frame to make for it ?

And practice spirituality before believing to be free from it or don't lose your time practicing spirituality and forget any idea of spiritual liberation. You may save a lot of time in any cases and have a lot more time with your shrink.

Anyway, you will never be a loser if you play at "The one losing is always the winner".

2 / 5 / 2019

Nondual duality

Listen guys, the supreme truth is very simple to understand. Nonduality, Oneness, the ultra divine One without second, the absence of separation and difference, and so on in the purest Neo Advaita style, is the ultimate and only reality. And I can prove it.

I am the Neo guru and you are the losers listening to me. So there is obviously no ego between us. I'm completely awakened and you're absolutely not otherwise you won't be listening to me and I. That's a fact that doesn't have to be proved. You pay and I cash in. You see, it's exactly the same money, the supreme truth, the very same cosmic energy and Oneness, the same transcendental being who gives and takes, the same consciousness absolutely conscious to be conscious of getting and losing. It gets out of one pocket to enter another pocket, it's always a pocket and the same cosmic pant, mine or yours, there is no difference and separation anyway, it's only concepts.

Now, buy my CDs and DVDs, books, tee shirts and all the other rubbish because they are mine and not yours, but since you're going to buy them, they will become yours and not mine anymore. That's pure and absolute nonduality, a sublime flow of cosmic energy, extremely difficult to understand and realize, but so easy to quantify in any ordinary bank account. Just ask your banker, he knows more about nonduality than the Vedas.

Bankers are the only real gurus, that's Neo Advaita, the duality of nonduality !

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