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11 / 30 / 2011

Let's say it loudly:

"Silence is infinitely more precious

than the most beautiful thought."

Mouna, the silence of consciousness,

is not only something "I" can listen to.

I can watch it,

feel it,

taste it,

merge with it and disappear.

12 / 1 / 2011

We usually think that communication can only be carried out with language, words and thoughts which have a meaning, a direction, a logic, in one word, semantics. However, researches in psychology show that humans communicate between themselves up to 80% with a body language. 80%, it is a huge percentage for mammals which think that communication take place with concepts and words coming out of their mouth or written on a piece of paper or on the screen of a computer. Why such an ignorance on ourselves and how we behave? You guess!

The ego, this "I" with its self-importance, can only believe in its own existence by resorting to language and thoughts. What would it become if it ceased thinking and speaking with itself all day long? The personal identity, i.e. the self-awareness to be a person different from the others, cannot survive a very long time in the silence of the mind. It is by removing its preferred means of expression that it discovers the silent power of pure consciousness.

"Silence is gold". But what could silence really communicate to me? When I sleep, I am not better than a lying corpse in my bed. What a waste of time not to think anymore! Don't you think?

"Silent prayer is the only one that God can hear". Words of an hallucinated mystic, only good to put in an lunatic asylum! It's nevertheless very strange that we pass such words on for centuries and even millenniums. Oh yes, I forgot that it's just opium for the people, except that in the Middle Ages, it was more nobility which was devoted to mysticism than common people. Etc

Egoistic mankind is unaware of the semantic aspect of the silent power of consciousness, "Mouna". The role of spirituality is beside other things helping people to discover it.

When this silence is established inside oneself, what does remain? Eyes to see, ears to hear, the very same senses of perception that we use everyday and to which we give much less importance than our thoughts. But in the silence of consciousness, these senses of perception acquire a remarkable quality. If you doubt it, enjoy a funny experience. Communicate with a person who cannot prevent from lying on certain subjects. Very easy to find nowadays! Ask questions and observe very attentively the eyes, the body, the attitude, the gestures, the movements of the tongue, the color of the skin, all the details that this person reveals freely to you on himself or herself, while abstaining from commenting on with your own thoughts in your mind his or her words. Just watch carefully and don't laugh. Even before lying, you will know that what he or she is going tell you is not true.

And don't forget the best. Do it with yourself without a mirror when you are speaking with others or with you in your mind. Paradoxical? No, It's easy to watch your thoughts and know if your are lying to yourself. Spirituality starts truly there, when lies stop. What could be more obvious if you are seeking the truth and not new beliefs to carry on with your lies!

12 / 17 / 2011

The deafness of the ego

When we see through the eyes of the Divine, everything is perfect and silent,

so perfect and silent that the idea to change a tiny detail of what is contemplated will never cross the mind.

But the ego prefers to be blind and deaf.

To contemplate itself and think in its mind is much more entertaining even if it has to suffer from it.

1 / 5 / 2012

If you listen carefully,

there is always a very nice music in the silence of consciousness.

11 / 2 / 2012

Only silence can answer to every questions

When the presence of consciousness is known, metaphysical questions become ridiculously simple. But answering to them is something else. It's sometimes better to remain silent than to be ridiculous.

Silence is never stupid. Deep silence is bliss.

4 / 7 / 2013

"Silence is a true friend who never betrays."


"In silence and solitude, one hears only the essential."

Camille Belguise

3 / 10 / 2013

Where ?

Silence is the highest spiritual teaching always available inside oneself. It doesn’t have to come from someone else because it’s identical to the presence of your consciousness. To find it without any difficulty, it’s only necessary to listen to it or your thought very attentively. Nothing more, just between your two ears!

12 / 8 / 2013

"The experience of silence alone is the real and perfect knowledge."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

Just be quiet and let the mind fall into silence.

9 / 1 / 2018

Paradox..., maybe or maybe not ?

There is nothing to speak about, period !

But sincerely speaking,

who could truly not speak

to make it known ?

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