
The subject of these images is my dog, Louis. I took this images during golden hour, outside where there was wind blowing. I used my digital camera to take this picture, my laptop to edit the photo, the printer, transparency paper, photo paper and all the tools in the dark room. I wanted to show weather, but not in an obvious way. The wind is lightly blowing his hair in both pictures. In these images there is value in the grey and texture from the curls. There is contrast between the lighter and darker grey. There is movement shown because the hair on his head is moving. There is unity because Louis and the grass are similar shades in grey.

In these images there is formal balance, Louis is centered in both pictures. There is selective focus, the grass in the background is blurred. In the top picture the darker spot in the grass serves as a leading line. There is a low horizon line in the bottom picture and high in the top picture. These pictures started out as raw digital images. I edited them using photoshop and made them black and white and inverted. I then used preview and changed the size and pixels of the images. I made them both 4.5 x 3. I printed them on transparency paper. In the dark room I made a segmented test strip of 2 sec segments. It was all very grey so I added a 3.5 filter. I redid the segmented test strip. I chose 3 secs. I didn't have to made a segmented test strip for both pictures because the pictures were taken at the same time of day. To get the borders even I measured and cut the paper and lined it up in the frame.

Louis has been in my life for 10 years and he loves to be outside. In these images he was just lying down while I looked for inspiration and then I decided to take a picture of the wind in his hair. I think these images could be stronger if there was more contrast. To do this I could try a different filter, maybe a 4 or 4.5.