
I took a few of these pictures at school in the dark room and in the art room and I took the rest of these pictures at home using my siblings as models. For all of these pictures I used my camera and I edited them in iphoto and photoshop. I used different sources of light for the images, one with a projector light, two with three phone flashlights with pink over the light and I used natural light and a lamp. I chose to create these images because the assignment was to take ten, creative silhouette pictures. I used formal balance, selective focus, leading lines for these pictures. I used silhouette lighting for all of the pictures. I used photoshop and iphoto to darken these pictures because a few weren't full silhouettes and I used multiplicity for the picture of the skeletons. When we had studio time in class I had fun trying to come up with creative ways to have back light in the images, I worked with a few of my classmates to create the pink lighting and the projector pictures. These pictures relate to my life because I created them, I chose what was in each picture and chose the lighting for each picture. I wish that these past few days had been sunny and not rainy and overcast, if it was sunny I would've been able to take pictures outside and use the sun as my backlight. When the sun comes out again I might consider retaking a few of these pictures.