Unique Lighting

The subject of this image is a landscape made of light. I took this image in my basement. I used my digital camera, my tripod and a laser pointer. I chose to create this image because I wanted to try light drawing. In this image there is line, color, space and shape. There is movement shown with the light from the laser pointer moving.

In this image there is formal balance shown because the buildings are in the middle of the frame. There is sharp focus, everything is in focus. There is a low horizon line drawn. I tried different shapes while doing this project. I then used photos to darken it and emphasis the color.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to draw so I looked at examples online and found one of a city skyline so I tried to do something like that. This picture relates to my concentration because it is colorfully lit. This project relates to my life because I set it up and drew the picture. I think this image is strong, but could be stronger if there was more going on in it. To do this I would have to retake the picture.