
The subject of this image is a rug in my house with the shadow of the shade. To take this image I used my digital camera. This image relates to my concentration because it is unique lighting. In this image there are distinct lines, texture of the rug and positive and negative space. There is contrast between the rug in the shadow and the rug in the sun.

In this image there formal balance because there is the same amount of lines on each side, sharp focus because the rug is 100% in focus, grouping because the shadow is a group of lines, high key lighting because of the bright sun. This image was originally in color, but I darkened it, turned it black and white and increased the black point using photos.

Everyday at about four o'clock the sun is even with all of the windows and this glass door in my house and the blinds cast shadows like this. They are really cool so I wanted to capture part of the shadow. This project relates to my life because I chose the angle at which I took the image and how I edited it. I thin this image could be more abstract. It would have been more creative if I had gotten closer so it was harder to see what it is.