Slab Project

For this project we were challenged with creating something from slab, without clay due to quarantine. To begin the process we sought inspiration from Kenneth Baskin's work. His work is about mechanical shapes made of clay, I liked his construction but not his subject. I chose to make a tree. To create my tree I used cardboard, watercolor paper and watercolor paints. To construct it I used a boxcutter, masking tape and a glue stick.

When designing my tree I didn't want perfect symmetry with the branches and roots, so there isn't balance. It's kind of like there's wind blowing the branches to one side. I chose to make the tree colorful because it makes it unusual, not like an average tree. Because it's all one color, or similar colors, there is a sense of unity. To make the tree somewhat 3D I put a piece of cardboard through the middle shaped like a triangle. My final product's shape is what I imagined and drew, but the color was spontaneous. I didn't like the rough cardboard so I added it.

When looking at Baskin's artwork I liked his ability to make real life objects using clay and how simple they are, but I wanted a different subject. I prefer nature inspired work. This project relates to my life because this tree was inspired by my vision of trees and how to simplify them. I chose how to construct and decorate it. I'm proudest that the tree can stand up on its own, this is what I struggled with the most. It was a struggle because the tree isn't symmetrical, but trees in nature aren't either. To overcome this struggle I did trial and error with different middle pieces before realizing the triangle with the slit is the best option. Something that bothers me is that the roots are different lengths and when the tree is standing up only one side touches the ground. If I was to remake my tree I would make sure the roots are closer to symmetry. It would be interesting to try this project using actual slab.