
The subject of the image is three images combined. The top image is my brother, the middle is me and the bottom is my sister. I took the bottom two pictures at the same time of day in the same place and the top one on a different day. To make this image I used my digital camera, photoshop on my laptop, transparency paper, the printer and my photo paper along with everything needed for making prints in the dark room. I chose to create this image because being a triplet is a big part of my identity. In this image there is a wide range of grey, there is texture shown in each section. There is positive and negative space. There is contrast between the top and bottom sections. There is unity because I lined up all the faces.

In this image there is formal balance, the head is centered. It is in sharp focus. The sections are grouped together. This picture started out as three digital pictures. I then used photoshop to cut them up and line them up. I used photoshop to make them black and white. I then used photoshop to make the borders even. I inverted the final image and printed it twice on transparency paper using the light room printer. I used the paper cutter to cut down the negatives and I taped them together. I used two so the contrast was higher. I made a segmented test strip with 5, 2 second segments with no filter. The aperture was F11. It was pretty grey so I chose 3 secs with a 3.5 filter for a test strip. This looked great so I did my full page print. The border was off so I printed it once more.

I am a triplet and my entire life I have been asked what it's like and people always try to figure out which ones two of us look the most a like. The truth is that we all look alike. Before I did a picture like this of just my brother and sister. I think this image could be stronger if the pictures were either taken in the same lighting for the same angle or if I chose to make them offset. I like how crisp the image came out. I think it would be cool to try putting the faces together in different combinations. I would also retake the images so they go together more.