Nadav Kander

About Nadav Kander:

Kander was born in Israel on December 1st 1961. At age 2 his family moved to South Africa and he lived there until he was 21. Now Kander lives in London. He is known for his portraiture and landscapes.

C & T: informal balance, high-key lighting, low horizon line and selective focus.

C & T: low horizon line, high key lighting, formal balance, sharp focus and leading lines.

C & T: Low key lighting, formal balance, low horizon line, sharp focus.

C & T: Silhouette lighting, low key lighting, low horizon lighting and sharp focus.

The subject of these images are different landscapes. The top two I took as the sun was starting to set. The third one was a little after and the third was taken when it was raining in the morning. I used my digital camera to take each of the images. I then used photoshop on my laptop to edit them. I chose to focus on Kander's landscape works and be inspired by them. What I really liked was his ability to combine 2 or 3 pictures into one.

I listed each picture's compositions and techniques. Each of the final pictures above started as two or three separate images. I then used photoshop to combine them. I lined them up and made them the same size. I also increased the saturation to make the images pop.

I like how the images go together, but could also work on their own. Being separate adds depth to the landscapes. This relates to my life because I chose which landscapes and how to be inspired by Nadav Kander. I think that my images could be more like his, the colors are brighter than his duller blues and greys.

When I first starting researching Kander i was drawn to his portraits, but then I found his landscapes. They are gorgeous and simple. He has some where he has two or three pictures put together, but he also has some that stand alone. I really like his style and I think that I will continue to use it in my photography going forward.