Linear Perspective




The assignment was to learn how to draw using lines and a vanishing point, all of the lines coming from the vanishing point. We practiced using a vanishing point with shapes and a room with furniture and other objects. Then for the summative we drew part of a hallway in the school. To draw all 3 of them i used pencils and paper, and for the summative I used a sharpie to go over my lines. They all evolved from flat shapes on the paper to 3D objects because of the shapes going back to the vanishing point. The project relates to my life because of the objects that I drew and because we drew how we saw something with our eyes and our view. I am proudest that was able to get all of the lines and shapes pointing to the vanishing point. My struggle was that my lines weren't dark enough, I made my lines darker using sharpie and pencil. I wish I could've made all the lines on all 3 drawings darker with sharpie and neatened up the smudginess.