
The subject of all my images is texture of different objects indoors and outside. I used iphoto to darken and lighten the pictures and I made a few black and white. I used zoom on my camera to get close to the texture, I didn't use flash for most of them. I cropped a few because I couldn't get super close without it being blurry. To take all of these pictures I used my camera, not my iphone.

A few of these images have leading lines and grouping. They are all focused in the entire image because the texture is the subject of the image. I had to take multiple images for all of these, I experimented with and without flash. Most of the pictures were taken without flash because I like natural light more.

These images relate to my life because they are objects in my house and I chose how to take the picture. I didn't take ideas from another photographer I came up with my own. I had a hard time choosing just ten pictures because I liked them all, but didn't know if they were right for the assignment. Something I would change is finding different textures that really stand out, some of mine are boring or others used them too. I would also try using my macro lense just to see if there is a major difference.