Color Theory

Color Value Scale

Creative Color Wheel

The assignment was to mix a total of 84 different tints and shades of primary, secondary and tertiary colors using only red, yellow, blue, white and black. To learn how to mix tints and shades I made color value scale with the tints and shades of a primary color(red) and the tints and shades of a secondary color(violet). For the final project with 84 colors I had to make a creative color wheel. I made thumbnail sketches of my 3 ideas, decided which was my favorite, got the canvas and using a pencil drew the oars with 7 parts in each. Once the sketch was finished I got by acrylic paint and started mixing using a palette knife. My creative color wheel is of oars because I'm on a crew team. During this project I struggled staying inside the lines and wasn't a very neat painter, if i were to do this again I would make sure to paint neatly. For the oars I went from tints to shades and I did the background the same way, but I think it would look better if the background went from dark to light so the shades of the other colors would be more obvious. Overall I really like my painting and I had fun mixing all the colors and checking them off on my list.