GSuite, Shared table for scheduling

What for?

The shared table is good for booking times and equipment in laboratories.

What I did?

In degree programme of chemistry have had the booking tables in paper by the door of laboratories or even inside. The students had to come to campus to book the times and equipments. Also teachers had to go to the lab to see the booked times.

Nowadays we have linked the shared table in Optima to book the working shifts. in Google Drive we have a Sheets file for that. Students are able to write their name where ever and when ever in net, and the teachers of courses are able to see current situation in their own computer or smartphone as well.

How to get?

  • You'll need a Google account. (Guide to have account in UniOulu:
  • Log in to Google and navigate to Drive.
  • Build the needed table or list.
  • Set the privacy settings so that anyone with the link is able to edit the file.
  • If you want you can share the link in Optima or another digital communication system.

Who gave the tip?

Teija, Degree Programme of Chemistry