Library of Open Educational Resources

What for?

In the Library of Open Educational Resources (OER) you can search for, find, compile and save your own open educational resources from all levels of education.

The service seeks to support continuous learning and is intended for use by all levels of education. In the OER educational resources must be released under the CC license of your choice.

What I did?

OER is available for use by teachers, learners and everyone else. The service is being developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish National Agency for Education, and its development is coordinated by CSC – IT Center for Science.

How to get?

Go to: https://aoe.fi/

Further information: https://aoe.fi/#/lisatietoa

Using and searching educational resources is available to everyone, with no login necessary.
However, users must be logged in in order to save resources or leave comments. Logging into the service is possible via the Haka and MPASSid services as well as using Suomi.fi e-identification.

Who gave the tip?

Tiina Vertanen, Academic Affairs/Teaching Services