Would you like to enhance your slides with new pictures?

What for?

Now you will find thousands of nice photos from the one place. .
N.B. The pictures have been licensed with CC0-licence, in other words you may use and edit them freely.

How to get?

Click to the address https://unsplash.com and search.

To the teaching you will find "selected" pictures in a collection: https://unsplash.com/collections/190728/study

To get your PowerPoint slides still better and to be more accessible, watch the good hint video made by Jyväskylä Polytechnic (JAMK). (In Finnish)

Hints for adding photos to PowerPoint from about 7 min. - You will get it, even if you can not speak finnish :)


What I did?

Boost PowerPoint slides... "The outlook of this slide is made with few clicks. Watch the hint video."

Who gave the tip?

Antti Peltonen, ICT Services for Teaching