O365, Stream -sharing videos

What for?

Stream is a video-sharing service where the students and faculty of Oulu University can publish, watch, share and comment videos safely inside the organization or a team. It is like University’s own YouTube channel which the users can watch whenever they want and with multiple devices. Users can follow interesting channels and they can like or comment videos. Videos can be time-coded so that the followers can jump to the parts they want to watch.

Watch video: (only Finish)

What I did?

We are planning to create a channel for a teaching course in Stream and share teaching videos there. Stream works well with other O356 tools, so the channel can be integrated in Teams where the students can be added and all other course material can be shared as well. This enables the whole course to be held online, or flipped learning where students watch the videos in advance and come to the lectures to do team work for example.

How to use?

  • Log in university's O365 account (http://office365.oulu.fi/).

  • Choose: Stream

  • Choose: Create

  • Upload a video

  • Also give permission who can see the video, a certain group or the whole university.

  • Publish your video

Who gave the tip?

Marjo Väisänen/OBS