QR code

What for?

With QR codes you can easily share links or whatever content. QR code is more usable than long written links with difficult addresses.

How to get?

  • Everyone is able to create codes. You can use for exampla QR Code Generator site.
  • Navigate yourself first on https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com.
  • Paste assignment or link to a web page to a text box.
  • Notice that you are not able to use too long instructions.
  • You can also share for example Google Docs files, where thay do not limit the amount of letters or else.
  • Remember to save the QR code. QR code will be saved as a image to your computer. You can print it or for example paste it to a separate file.

What I did?

You can utilize QR codes in sharing materials. You can use those for example in point-to-point workshops, assignments to navigate in or out doors and in additional tasks for students. Students will scan the codes and act according to instructions they find behind the codes.

Who shared a tip

Iida, Finnish as a second language