ZoomWaiting Room customation

What for?

Zoom video conferencing users can customise the waiting room for their meetings.
A short text box, a logo, a picture or a short video can be placed in the waiting room.

The image can be, for example, a greeting from your department or even the "title card" of your course.
However, you should not put too much text or other information.
Edits have limited space and restrictions.

Note that if you put a video in the waiting room, the sound is muted by default and the viewer must be able to turn the sound on.

How to get?

Log in at oulu.zoom.us (with university ID) and select PERSONAL- Settings from the left menu and the tab Meeting. 

There you can find Customize Waiting Room.

More info from Zoom support page: How to customize the Waiting Room.

What I did?

I made a little welcome video for the waiting room of my meetings.
The video is also my first test of the Synthesia service. 🤖
(Type in the text and select the video template. -AI generates the video from the text.)

You can view the waiting room for my meetings from this link.

Tip shared by...

Antti Peltonen, ICT-palvelut