Re-engagement (Muistuttaja)
in Moodle

What for?

In Moodle, The re-engagement activity allows you to

  • Schedule activities to appear or open after a certain period of time after the previous activity is completed

  • Reminds students of undone activities.

  • Sends the desired message to the student when the activity is completed.

If necessary, the contents of messages can be personalized automatically.

How to get it?

You need a Moodle course to use the Re-engagement. Read here how to get one. To access the activity, click the link "Add activity or resource" in the desired section of your Moodle course.

You can find case-by-case instructions from here.

What's there to consider?

The Re-engagement activity is an invisible activity for students, as it runs in the "background".

How did i use it?

I myself used this activity to send a separate automated email to both the exam approver and the exam participant after the approved exam performance.

Who gave the tip?

Timo Hakkarainen, Solution Designer

Academic Affairs / Teaching Services