Activate students in Zoom

Activate groups of different sizes in Zoom meetings

I activated learning groups og different sizes in zoom-session by using zoom-tools like zoom-polling, chat and brakeoutrooms and reaction-buttons.

At first during the session I used Zoom-polling with few question to activate the group and also to scout feelings and knowledge-level of the learning group. Reaction-buttons were also asked to use to answer yes or no questions. Chat is quite hard to follow if teaching alone. Using Breakout rooms was the main activating method - it's important to keep cameras open in breakout rooms. I visited separate rooms as a teacher, collect main themes with for example a shared document from breakout rooms or just asked to tell some sentence for bigger group.

In the beginning of the lesson I shared the schedule of the session and it's important to spend time for grouping the students and make the atmhosphere safe and secure even with the bigger group. To ask everybody to join and say something

Tips for activating

All the tools I used are integrated in Zoom and may be done/activate before or during the lesson.

Zoomin Support site is the great way to get help for using different Zoom tools.

Who shared a tip and date

Kati Retsu-Heikkilä, university teacher, Faculty of Medicine, 25.10.2022