Digipedagogical consultation service

New consultation service offering digipedagogical help and support for teaching work

Are you wondering about the pedagogical design of your new, upcoming course, tuning an existing one, or how to use different digital tools in your teaching?

Don’t wonder alone, but book a digipedagogical consultation appointment, where you can talk about the issue and bounce ideas in a Teams meeting.

The aim of the service is to provide interactive and easy-access support for developing your own teaching or to solve possible digipedagogical challenges in collaboration.

This service is provided by Digipedagogics and Video Services -team.

It has been developed based on the training wishes and desired training formats obtained from the Digipedagogical Competence -Survey for Teaching Staff, and it aims to take care of its part in easing the time pressure experienced by the teaching staff in their work.

The Digipedagogical Competence -Survey for Teaching Staff was conducted in spring 2022 in connection with the development discussion round. The survey will be implemented again in spring 2024. More information about the survey on Patio-intranet (University of Oulu).

How to book a consultation appointment?

Digipedagocical consultation appointments are intended for all teachers of the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences for non-urgent teaching planning and development situations.

Booking a time is very easy from the Digipedatuki Bookings page (link).

NB!  Digipedatuki Bookings -page is available in Finnish at the moment but you can book an appointment in English as well. In that case remember to mention about this when booking (in the Muistiinpanot/Notes-box).

When you have selected the service (palvelu) that suits you best, you can choose the best time (päivämäärä, kellonaika) for you from the calendar. Then write your name and email address (nimi, sähköposti).  In the Notes -section (Muistiinpanot), you can briefly describe what your reservation is related to and if you'd like to have the consultation in English. Remember to click “Book” ("Varaa") at the end. That’s how easy it is!

The following consultation services are currently available:

You can also invite a few colleagues to join.

Note: The service cannot be booked for the same day: You can book an appointment 3-30 days in advance.

Who gave the tip?

 Tiina Vertanen, Digipedagogics and Video Services / ICT Services