Exam - Transferring questions from Exam to Moodle

What for?

With the version update of Exam (on April 29), a new feature can be found from the system, which will allow you to export exam questions to a file in Moodle XML format and then upload the file to Moodle.

How to get?

Detailed instructions for the function can be found in Finnish here: https://wiki.eduuni.fi/display/CSCEXAM/EXAM+Kysymyksien+siirto+Moodleen. These will be added to Patio in English to Exam instructions for teacher (on e-exam service card) asap.

What I did?

This feature helps transfer exam questions to Moodle, especially now that the electronic exam rooms are closed due to the corona virus. Remember to check other new features of the new version from e-exam service card in Patio!

Vinkin jakaja

Taru Torssonen