Software Center - Install softwares by yourself to your computer

What for?

Users can install needed applications to their own computer through the Software Center service by themselves.

How to get?

Software Center shortcuts can be found on the desktop and thru the start menu. Please notice that workstation must have the web access during the installation and some installations may require a connection to the university network. One can get the network connection from outside the university with the VPN.

What I did?

Take a peek what you can found fron Software Center.

Software Center service is available in the UNIV workstations. Available applications and updates have been defined by local IT. Furthermore, the application supply visible to the users varies accordingly what software licenses there are for the unit or group. The possible wishes of the contents can be presented to the Service Desk of IT Services ( Using the Software Center enables user to install software and updates easily. Read more from Notio.

Who gave the tip?

Jani from IT Administration