IT-device vendors for staff 

IT-device vendors at Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campuses

IT-device vendors on Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas campuses are easy-to-use self-service vendors from which you can borrow IT devices for up to six (6) hours.

You can borrow various IT equipment like laptops and distance learning sets as well as other necessary equipment like cameras, for organizing distance learning or remote meetings.

In Linnanmaa, the IT-device vendor is located in the central lobby of the campus, nearby the L1 lecture hall.

You can find the Kontinkangas loan shop in the lobby of the main building (Kieppi).

IT-device vendors for staff are white in color, so you can distinguish them from the students’ colorful laptop vendors.

More information

Vinkin jakaja

Tiina Vertanen and Jyri Kononen, Digipedagogics and Video Services / ICT Services