Long text to
Copilot  Chat (Bing)  

The Context

Bing Chat Enterprise AI assistant is available for staff use (a.k.a. Copilot Chat.)
See Patio 13.10.2023 https://patio.oulu.fi/fi/uutiset/uudenlainen-tekoalya-hyodyntava-sisallon-luomisen-apuvaline-ja-hakukone-eli-bing-chat 

Bing was also under discussions at the first "Kohtaamisia tekoälyn äärellä - Ihmetellään yhdessä"
-event on 28 11.2023: https://patio.oulu.fi/fi/uutiset/kohtaamisia-tekoalyn-aarella-ihmetellaan-yhdessa.  There, the issue of this Digipedavink was raised:

How to feed Bing a longer text for processing?

The Tip

You can only copy/paste a text of 4000 characters into the Bing Chat chat/prompt window on the right side of the Edge browser, but if you want to use an article of e.g. 60 pages in length as Bing Chat material, you can do it as follows:

Note: The magic word in the Bing prompt is "this PDF" or "the PDF text on this page",
so Bing will only "read" the text from the browser, and not start hallucinating its own.

You can use any of your Bing prompt tricks when you remember to "aim" it at the text in question. 
The English prompt works better. Bing translates prompts into English anyway. Also remember to start a new topic in the new Bing chat, so that the answers don't get mixed up with the previous prompts.

Don't forget to check! - AI responses may contain errors and hallucinations.

More info:

 Shared by

Antti Peltonen, ICT-services