Watt's going on?

"What is electricity, what are its properties and how can we generate it from other forms of energy?"

Key Concept: Change

Related Concepts: Energy and Transformation

Global Context: Scientific & technical innovation

Statement of Inquiry: Scientific and technical innovations in the transfer of energy are making modern technologies more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

Content summary:

- What are the relationships between current, voltage and resistance?

- How is electrical energy generated from other types of energy?

- AC/DC, Tesla vs Edison, who was right?

Subject Objectives:

A. Knowledge & understanding

B. Inquiry & designing

C. Processing & evaluating

D. Reflecting on the impact(s) of science

AtL: Thinking skills & Communication

Debate proposition: Nikola Tesla's Alternating Current was the better Scientific invention

Summative Assessment Task:

Lab report on the relationship between the length of a wire and the resistance.