01. Rivers & Erosion


Read the document "What is weathering?"

Summarise the information using the flip-flap template.


    1. Use the Google Classroom page to access a copy of the Presentation for this lesson.

    2. Share it with your partner.

    3. On the first slide, find and add explanations of what rivers are and what erosion is.

    4. Select and cite pictures to accompany your explanations.


Watch the demo of the river model

Make a copy of the sediment size Google Drawing and organise the information into the correct order.


See, Think, Wonder - with your partner look at the images on the next 3 slides.

On each slide:

See - explain in words what the image shows, (as if you were describing it to someone who cannot see the picture).

Think - what you think is happening in the picture?

Wonder - what questions do you have about the picture?


Make a copy of the More about transportation and deposition Google Drawing and organise the information and pictures into the correct order.


Read the document "Rate of erosion?"

Summarise the information using the flip-flap template.