Ex. What goes up...

What can a good cup of tea teach us about the movement of heat in fluids?

Activity - watching tea brew.

Fill a beaker with hot water from the kettle.

Set up the iPad to record a time-lapse video.

Press record.

Drop the teabag in and wait 4 mins.

Activity - explaining convection

Access the "Explaining convection" google slide you have been sent through google classroom.

Place the following descriptions in the correct place around the central image, (you can copy and paste to save time).

  • The purple crystal starts to dissolve and colours the water purple.

  • Eventually it becomes the same temperature as the water around it.

    • When the particles take up more space, the water is less dense than the water around it, and it starts to rise. You can see this happening because some of the purple dye is carried upwards with the water.

    • Eventually the convection current will spread heat energy (and the purple dye!) through all the water in the beaker.

    • The cool water warms up and starts to rise. A convection current has formed.

    • The water particles that are being heated start to move faster. They take up more space.

    • The beaker is heated underneath the purple crystal.

    • Heat energy is conducted through the glass of the beaker and starts to heat the water.

    • A purple crystal is dropped into the water.

    • Cooler water moves in to take the place of the warm water. More of the purple crystal dissolves.

Activity - open up the worksheet "Convection", answer the questions in your exercise book.