12. Arguments about acids


- To look at an example of scientific discovery as an International Endeavour.

- To identify experiments, observations and conclusions.

Activity: In groups or 2/3 Look at the worksheet "Arguments about acids". Use the dates to sort the scientists work into chronological order. When this is done, use the clues to try to match the scientists to the discoveries.

When you have done this, type up the discoveries into the Google Presentation you have been sent.

All about acids

When you have typed up the discoveries, change the colour of the font of examples of scientists carrying out experiments and making observations.

In a different colour, highlight examples of scientists drawing conclusions.


Research the work of a famous international scientist.

Summarise their work using the Person Pop-Up template.

On the bottom give information about the scientist: when they were alive, where they were from, where they worked etc.

In the speech bubbles give examples of the work they did or famous quotes.

Lastly, make the Pop-Up look like the person.