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Patterns in the Periodic Table

Key Concept: Relationships

Related Concepts: Change, Form & Function

Global Context: Orientation in Time and Space

Statement of Inquiry: Knowledge-challenging discoveries evolve the periodic table's form to enhance its function of showing trends in the physical and chemical properties of the elements.

Statement of Inquiry: Knowledge-challenging discoveries evolve the periodic table's form to enhance its function of showing trends in the physical and chemical properties of the elements.

Content summary:

- Why does the periodic table look like it does?

- How are 'new' elements discovered?

- What are the trends in physical and chemical properties shown in the periodic table?

Subject Objectives:

A. Knowledge & understanding

B. Inquiry & designing

C. Processing & evaluating

D. Reflecting on the impact(s) of science

AtL: Thinking skills

Summative Assessment Task:

Experiment write-up: The reaction of Magnesium and Oxygen

Open book test.

Essay - how did the discovery of new elements change after Mendeleev proposed his periodic table?