08. Force as a vector

Learning Intentions:

Will know how to represent a force accurately on a diagram

Will know what the parallelogram of forces is

How to find the resultant of two forces by drawing scale diagrams

image from: http://www.tutorvista.com/physics/parallelogram-law-of-forces

Website: Resultant Force Bitesize

  1. Two players kick a football at the same time. One player kicks it North with 500N, the other kicks it west with 300N. What is the size and direction of the resultant force (use an angle if you want)?

  2. Two trucks pull a car out of a ditch. Both pull along the road with 3000N but one pulls at 20 degrees to the road whereas the other pulls in the same direction as the road. Draw a scale diagram to work out the size and direction of the resultant force?