05. Diseases of deficiency/excess

What happens when we have too much or too little of a food or nutrient in our diet?




Heart disease

Type (II) Diabetes




Activity: thinglink

You should create a thinglink about your disease. Your thinglink should include at least on of each of:

    • a web page link

    • an image link

    • a video link

You should generate a QR code that links to your thinglink.



Activity: For the disease you are given you should research and make notes on:

  • what is it a deficiency/excess of?

  • what effect does this have on the human body?

  • what are the symptoms of this disease?

  • how can it be treated?

  • what is science doing to prevent this disease?

Assessment Criteria D: Reflecting on the impacts of science

Your thinglink should include all the information about your disease that you made notes about.