11. Internal vs. External Fertilisation


    • Understand why many eggs are produced in some species

    • Be able to interpret information from different sources

  • Give reasons why some animals are 'better' mothers than other.


All your answers should be recorded on the Reproduction work-mat.

Activity: Look at the photo in the presentation and on your work-mat. Using the Question Matrix try to write three quality questions that could be asked about the photo.

Activity: You have been provided with a sheet of paper with 9 different animals on it. Your task is to work with your shoulder partner to try to work out who produces the most offspring. Write their names in the diamond 9 grid.

Activity: with your partner, play the Top Trumps game. The aim is to win the whole deck of cards by winning each hand. You win a hand by picking a category that you think your card has the highest number answer.

Make sure you complete the rest of the questions on the work-mat.