Ex. Investigating insulation

Summative Assessment Task

Criteria B: Researching and Designing

Criteria C: Concluding and Evaluating


> Research and design an investigation to insulate (keep warm) a can of hot water.

> Collect results and analyse results to draw a conclusion.

> Evaluate how good your investigation was.

Investigating insulation

Research Problem: How can you insulate an aluminium can to stop the hot water inside from getting cold?


  • You will plan and carry out the investigation in groups of no more than 3 people. Everyone must write their own report though.

    • You can choose up to 4 different layers of materials to use to insulate your can.

    • You can use each material no more than twice.

    • You must not waste materials.

    • Your insulated can will be tested the same as everyone else's. We will add 250 cm3 of hot water from a kettle, record the temperature using a thermometer then place it outside for 5 minutes before recording the temperature again.

> You must request the materials you will need by the end of this lesson.

The template to write your report on has been shared with you via Google Classroom.

The assessment rubrics for Criteria B and C are attached.

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Investigating Insulation