08. Pollution

What is pollution?

The problem of pollution raises many questions...

What are the causes of pollution in Ulaanbaatar?

What risks does this pollution cause?

What can we do about this pollution?

Grade 2 were asked what questions they have about pollution, can you answer these?

Written and verbal answers are very good in the short term, but to help people to learn, understand and remember better we can create infographics.

In a group of 3/4 students, you should each plan and produce an infographic to help answer the grade 2 questions about pollution. As a group you can feedback and help each other with your plans and ideas.

Take a look at the resources below to help you with your planning and design, there are articles, videos and examples of detailed infographics to help you.

Can you...

> give a definition of pollution

> name the 6 different types of pollution

> communicate an answer about pollution that is suitable for the target audience

> arrange information with visuals to help communicate and idea