03. It's alive!

Activity: Let's start with a game of "Who am I?"

Take one of the notes, and without looking, stick it on your forehead so others can see what you are.

You have to ask questions that can only be answered yes-or-no to work out who you are.

You can ask up to 20 questions before you have to make your guess.

Activity: Mystery animals

    1. Choose an animal from the selection given to you.

    2. In the space on your sheet write a description of the appearance of your animal. Do not mention your animal’s name.

    3. Exchange your description of the animal with another class member without letting them see the picture, on their sheet they will draw what you describe to them.

First, an organism must be classified as living or non-living (the latter includes once living organisms). Living organisms show the following characteristics.


  • move by themselves (e.g. flowers open during the day and close at night, and the heads of sunflowers follow the sun)

  • reproduce

  • need nutrition to survive

  • grow

  • respond to stimuli (e.g. plants grow towards sunlight, Venus Flytraps shut when a fly lands on them)

  • exchange gases

  • produce waste

  • need water.

This can be remembered by the acronym MR N GREWW.

Activity: Is fire alive?